15 Nov Interview with Sergey Vlasov
Sergey Vlasov, collector, Moscow, Russia
1. What was the very first piece that you acquired as a collector? Via gallery/ an artfair/ online?
I prefer both gallery and an artfair, not buying online. It’s a different kind of experience. It’s a different rhythm. When you find something at an artfair it’s like a face in a crowd, like an emotion, like an image. It’s like a strong but a fleeting and misleading impression. Something on the run, like fast food. Buying in a gallery feels like a dinner with friends.
2. Is there some sort of a guideline for your collection, particular medium/artist/ subject that you collect?
There is no particular subject, but as a poet I feel and find some overall sounding. Similar attitude. It’s more about an intuition coming from my heart than having a reason. It’s a very private story. Let’s just say, some of my verbs were motivated by artworks from my collection and vice versa several artworks look like an image of my previous verbs. Moreover, several years ago myself and my wife presented a performance based on one picture from our collection.
3. Where do you keep most of your artworks? Do you/ have an exhibition space, install works in your/their apartment or keep them in a storage?
Some artworks are installed in my apartment, other ones are on view in my office. I like to change it.
4. When you are going to an artfair, what do you like to discover? New or unexpected works by the artists that you already know and follow, young unknown artist, artists from “exotic „places or something else?
An artfair for me is a search for something new and unusual regardless of artist’s popularity. It’s like a snapshot of the place and time, and then I try to collect and classify my impressions and keep watching for the artists going my way.
5. How much would you spend on a work by an unknown artist represented by a small gallery/ project space/ nonprofit that you simply like?
Not more than 5.000$.

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